Homebuyer Campaign

Learn all about the Homebuyer Campaign

Ideal Customer: Any buyer

Campaign timing: 12 emails sent over 34 days 

Email 1 (Day 1)

Synopsis: Offers an introduction about working together on a home loan

CTA: Financial Benefits of Homeownership

Text: Hi, this is John from ABC Mortgage. I sent you some info to prepare you for buying a home. I am excited to help you on this journey! 

Email 2 (Day 4)

Synopsis: Encourages customer to determine the things they want in a home

CTA: Making Your Best Offer on a Home

Email 3 (Day 7)

Synopsis: Gives the borrower tips on how to keep their financial profile steady while they search for homes

CTA: Credit Scores Explained

Text: Hi, this is John from ABC Mortgage. Have you been thinking about what you may want in your home? Let me know how I can help.

Email 4 (Day 10)

Synopsis: Reviews different parties involved in the home loan process

CTA: Mortgage Terminology

Email 5 (Day 13)

Synopsis: Lets borrower know what to expect from the LO 

CTA: Four Steps to Finding the Right Neighborhood for You

Text: Hi, this is John. I am ready to give you a great home loan experience. Let me know what questions I can answer.

Email 6 (Day 16)

Synopsis: Provides tips on how to keep credit in check while searching for a home 

CTA: Paperwork Needed For Your Loan 

Email 7 (Day 19)

Synopsis: Lets borrower know the LO is there to help them with anything they need

CTA: Become an Excellent Homebuyer in 10 Easy Steps

Text: Hi, this is John from ABC Mortgage. How is the search for your home going? Call me today!

Email 8 (Day 22)

Synopsis: Checks in to see if borrower has found a home

CTA: Tax Benefits of Homeownership

Email 9 (Day 25)

Synopsis: Inquires about how the home search is coming along

CTA: How Credit Scores Help Secure a Mortgage

Text: Hi, this is John from ABC Mortgage. Checking in on you. How are things going? 

Email 10 (Day 28)

Synopsis: Checks in and tells borrower the LO is there to help with any questions or concerns

CTA: What to Look for in a New Home

Email 11 (Day 31)

Synopsis: Reminds borrower of what the LO has to offer and that the LO is there to answer any questions

CTA: Five Things to do Before Moving into a New Home

Email 12 (Day 34)

Synopsis: Lists what the borrower can expect when choosing this lender

CTA: Trust Me to Pilot You Through Your Loan

Text: Hi, this is John from ABC Mortgage. Let’s talk about your home purchase. When works for you?

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